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The World Scholar’s Cup27-Apr-2024

In a coordinated effort to cultivate well-rounded excellence among the students, Unison World School proudly facilitated yet another triumphant Regional Round of the World Scholars' Cup on April 27th and 28th, 2024. The World Scholars' Cup stands as a pinnacle of global academic engagement, integrating debate, collaborative writing, rigorous tests, and an exhilarating multimedia quiz. Its ethos resonates deeply with aspiring scholars and future leaders, providing a platform for participants to unearth latent strengths and hone essential skills. Distinguished institutions such as Welham Girls, The Doon Boys, Vantage Hall, and Hopetown Girls' School joined hands with Unison World School in this prestigious event. Each student approached the competition with careful preparation and enthusiasm, ready to learn and improve. They were driven by their desire to excel and grow, making the most of this opportunity for personal development. Together, they delved into intensive research and preparation, poised to embrace the challenges and triumphs that lay ahead. Their dedication and commitment highlighted the true spirit of academic pursuit, setting a commendable example for peers and aspiring scholars alike.