With a constant endeavour to deliver the best to its students, Unison World School incorporates educational excursions and Exchange Programmes into their academic calendar to promote the advancement of international understanding, the dissemination of learning and the strengthening of cultural ties.
At present, Unison World School shares their partnership with three reputed schools for Exchange Programmes:
- St. Francis’ College, Letchworth, England
- Rangi Ruru Girls’ School, Christchurch, New Zealand
- Kilgraston School, Perthshire, Scotland.
To stimulate the scientific bent of mind of students, UWS has been organizing regular trips to Kennedy Space Center, National Aeronautical Space Administration in USA. The visit provides hands on learning opportunities with astronauts. Conducted tour of Ivy League colleges and Parson School of Design forms an important part of the visit.
The School trip to Switzerland combines visit to the United Nations offices in Geneva, Alpine adventure, leadership workshops, language learning, French etiquettes and experiential excursions.