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Fire and Safety Training session11-Jan-2024

On 11th of January 2024, Knight Frank organised a comprehensive Fire and Safety Training session for the Mess, Kitchen, and Pantry staff. The session aimed to enhance awareness and preparedness regarding fire safety protocols and procedures. During the session, several critical topics pertaining to fire safety were addressed. These included the identification of fire hazards in the workplace, proper handling and storage of flammable materials, operation of fire extinguishers and emergency evacuation procedures. A practical demonstration on the proper usage of fire extinguishers was conducted, allowing participants to gain hands-on experience in extinguishing simulated fires safely. This interactive segment of the training session proved particularly valuable in familiarizing staff members with the correct procedures to follow in the event of a fire emergency. The training session proved to be informative and beneficial in equipping the Mess, Kitchen, and Pantry staff with the necessary knowledge and skills to ensure a safe working environment.