Christmas Celebration01-Sep-2024
Tournament of Champions01-Sep-2024
Children’s Day Celebrations01-Sep-2024
Video Conference of Generation Global01-Sep-2024
SEND OFF01-Sep-2024
Navy Foundation Dehradun Chapter01-Sep-2024
The Academic Exhibition on APDF01-Sep-2024
Art Exhibition on APDF01-Sep-2024
17th Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony & Spardha - 202401-Sep-2024
19th Uttarakhand State Inter School Shooting Championship 202401-Sep-2024
Career counselling session01-Sep-2024
11th Invitational Indoor Inter School Soccer Tournament 01-Sep-2024
Taekwondo National Championship - 202401-Sep-2024
Teachers' Day 202401-Sep-2024
World Scholars Cup : Day 701-Sep-2024
World Scholars Cup :Day 601-Sep-2024
6th Invitational Inter-School Swimming Competition 202401-Sep-2024
Art & Design Week ‘Imaginarium’01-Sep-2024
World Scholars Cup01-Sep-2024
Inter House Photography Competition01-Sep-2024
Day 3 : World Scholars Cup01-Sep-2024
UNFOLD 2024 01-Sep-2024
3rd Gyananda Inter-School Swim Meet 202401-Sep-2024
WSC Global Round01-Sep-2024
Dehradun District Hockey Tournament-202401-Sep-2024
Basketball District Championship01-Sep-2024
UWS AQUA MEET-202401-Sep-2024
Spic Macay- Day 301-Sep-2024
Doon School Chess Tournament 2024 01-Sep-2024
Spic Macay Convention 01-Sep-2024
Spic Macay State Convention01-Sep-2024
Inter-House Basketball Competition01-Sep-2024
1st Sardar Pritam Singh Memorial Inter School Badminton Competition 202401-Sep-2024
Unison World School Basketball Inter-House Competition01-Sep-2024
CISCE National Shooting Competition 202401-Sep-2024
Boarding Schools’ Association of India (BSAI) workshop 01-Sep-2024
Independence Day 01-Sep-2024
Inter House Shooting Competition01-Sep-2024
Basketball Tournament01-Sep-2024
Generation Global01-Sep-2024
Inter-House Swimming Competition01-Sep-2024
18th Invitational Manorite Table Tennis Tournament -202401-Sep-2024
AFS exchange program to Denmark01-Sep-2024
CISCE Games & Sports 2024 at the Regional Level01-Sep-2024
Inter-House Squash Competition 01-Sep-2024
Zoo Visit01-Sep-2024
All India Shree Naveen Agarwal Ji Memorial Inter-School Debate01-Sep-2024
Saree Draping Workshop01-Sep-2024
All India Shree Naveen Agarwal Ji Memorial Inter-School Debate01-Sep-2024
Inter House Hockey Competition01-Sep-2024
Inter-house Science competition 01-Sep-2024
Exponentia 202401-Sep-2024
Inter-House Cross Country Competition01-Sep-2024
Rishikesh Trip 01-Sep-2024
14th Uttarakhand State Taekwondo Championship 2024 01-Sep-2024
Inter-House Table Tennis Competition01-Sep-2024
Inter House Social Science Quiz Competition01-Sep-2024
BSAI Workshop01-Sep-2024
Manners and etiquette training program01-Sep-2024
Spectrum-24- Multidisciplinary Art Extravaganza01-Sep-2024
Dyson Eduljee Memorial Soccer Tournament01-Sep-2024
Pratispardha-2024 Girls' Invitational Interschool Tournament01-Sep-2024
Midsummer Night's Dream01-Sep-2024
Inter House Western Dance Competition01-Sep-2024
The World Scholar’s Cup01-Sep-2024
Psychology Immersion Program01-Sep-2024
Money Smart School Programme01-Sep-2024
Inter School participation in ’The Thinker Fest 2024’ held at PYDS01-Sep-2024
Assembly on William Shakespeare01-Sep-2024
Life Saving Training Conducted by RLSS At UWS01-Sep-2024
Annual Investiture Ceremony 01-Sep-2024
EcoQuest, Challenge Yourself, Transform the World01-Sep-2024
Socials at UWS with The Doon School01-Sep-2024
Visit of Grade 12 Students of UWS to The Doon School01-Sep-2024
AFS India Regional Meet for North Zone01-Sep-2024
Workshop on Design Thinking01-Sep-2024
Earth day01-Sep-2024
Kathakali performance01-Sep-2024
Freshers Night01-Sep-2024
Inter-House Football Competition 202401-Sep-2024
Inter House English Debate01-Sep-2024
Indian Vocal performance01-Sep-2024
Rockband 01-Sep-2024
Inter House ROCK BAND Competition01-Sep-2024
Inter House Hindustani Classical Vocal Competition01-Sep-2024
Photography field trip to Forest Research Institute01-Sep-2024
Inter House Science Competition01-Sep-2024
Model United Nations01-Sep-2024
IH Middle School English Debate01-Sep-2024
Interhouse Hindi Debate01-Sep-2024
Dastan-e-Goi: Reliving the Tragedy of Jallianwala Bagh01-Sep-2024
Masterclass By Aditi Chauhan and Ashalata Devi for An Athlete/Footballer01-Sep-2024
A fun filled evening with Indian street food- CHAAT HAAT01-Sep-2024
World Health Day School Assembly01-Sep-2024
Seminar on skin care01-Sep-2024
Fire Safety Awareness program01-Sep-2024
Adventure Camp01-Sep-2024
Visit to Regional Science Centre01-Sep-2024
12th Run For Cancer Awareness01-Sep-2024
Session on Grooming, Hygiene, and Personal Care for Middle School by Team IRIS01-Sep-2024
Nehru Institute of Mountaineering01-Sep-2024
Nehru Institute of Mountaineering Day 201-Sep-2024
Nehru Institute of Mountaineering Day 101-Sep-2024
Football Coaching Camp Commencement01-Sep-2024
Pascal, Cayley and Fermat Contest 202401-Sep-2024
18th Parent Orientation01-Sep-2024
Denmark Exchange program by AFS01-Sep-2024
Holi Celebration 202401-Sep-2024
Alcohol Abuse and Women Empowerment.01-Sep-2024
NTC Inaugural Ceremony At UWS01-Sep-2024
Pi Day01-Sep-2024
Capacity Building Programme on Classroom Management01-Sep-2024
Silver Educator Award- Generation Global01-Sep-2024
Post Exams -Time to Chill01-Sep-2024
National Science Day Celebration01-Sep-2024
Collaborative Experiential Learning01-Sep-2024
Global Women’s Breakfast 202401-Sep-2024
Money Smart School Programme 2023 -20201-Sep-2024
Floral Tribute01-Sep-2024
Principal’s Dinner01-Sep-2024
School Colour01-Sep-2024
Great Backyard Bird Count- Birding Activity01-Sep-2024
From Page To Stage (Middle School Festival- Hopetown)01-Sep-2024
Huun Huur Tu- A Taste of World Music01-Sep-2024
Informal Farewell01-Sep-2024
Formal Farewell 01-Sep-2024
75th Republic Day Celebration01-Sep-2024
Witnessing History in Making - Consecration Ceremony01-Sep-2024
Aesthetics as a Mindset and Experiential Learning- Session01-Sep-2024
Community Singing and Zumba Session01-Sep-2024
Fire and Safety Session01-Sep-2024
Staff Movie Outing01-Sep-2024
Fire and Safety Training session01-Sep-2024
Fun in the Sun01-Sep-2024
Brilliant and Unstoppable Athenas at INSSDC01-Sep-2024
Achievements in 66th National Shooting Championship01-Sep-2024
Believe in the Magic of Christmas01-Sep-2024
Inter House Western Dance Competition01-Sep-2024
Inter House Western Solo Singing Competition01-Sep-2024
Gurupurab Celebration 202301-Sep-2024
Mutthi Bhar Anaaj 2.0- A Handful of Grains01-Sep-2024
66th National Shooting Championship01-Sep-2024
Children’s Day Celebration01-Sep-2024
Send-Off Ritual 202301-Sep-2024
Diwali Celebration - 202301-Sep-2024
Boot Camp – Red Pen01-Sep-2024
I.H. Science Competition01-Sep-2024
Doon School Technology Conclave01-Sep-2024
Career Workshop and Fair01-Sep-2024
Krea University Session01-Sep-2024
Vijayadashami-Burning Vices and Embracing Virtues01-Sep-2024
Mathematics Workshop01-Sep-2024
2nd October 2023 Celebration01-Sep-2024
Floral Tribute -72nd Birth Anniversary of Founder Father.01-Sep-2024
Stress Buster Session01-Sep-2024
Tutor Tutee Outing01-Sep-2024
12 th Edition of Shri Naveen Agarwal Ji Memorial Interschool Debate.01-Sep-2024
Janmashtami Celebration 202301-Sep-2024
Teachers Day Celebration01-Sep-2024
Spic Macay State Convention – Day 301-Sep-2024
Spic Macay State Convention - Day 201-Sep-2024
Spic Macay State Convention - Day 101-Sep-2024
AFS Member School Performing Arts Competition01-Sep-2024
University Fair01-Sep-2024
Inter School Doon Girls’ School Debate01-Sep-2024
District Level Hockey Tournament01-Sep-2024
Live Poetry Session- Priya Malik01-Sep-2024
Harmony 202301-Sep-2024
Brother C.J. Bergin Debate01-Sep-2024
Kamla Jeevan Interschool Hindi Debate01-Sep-2024
Inter-School Invitational Badminton Tournament01-Sep-2024
Witnessing History in Making01-Sep-2024
Silver Fiesta01-Sep-2024
Spic Macay01-Sep-2024
CISCE UK UP Shooting Regional Championship 01-Sep-2024
Psychological First Aid- Workshop01-Sep-2024
Session on Investment Plans for the Financial Year 2023-202401-Sep-2024
Accountancy Workshop01-Sep-2024
Interschool Badminton01-Sep-2024
Inter School Aquatic Meet01-Sep-2024
The Doon School Model United Nations 202301-Sep-2024
Inter-House Photography Competition01-Sep-2024
77th Independence Day01-Sep-2024
Spectrum-23- Multidisciplinary Art Extravaganza01-Sep-2024
Video Conference on "Global Citizenship”01-Sep-2024
3rd UWSMUN01-Sep-2024
Mother Isabel Memorial Inter-School Debate01-Sep-2024
Interschool Table Tennis Competition-MIS01-Sep-2024
Interschool Table Tennis Competition-MIS01-Sep-2024
8th Inter-School Invitational Basketball Tournament 202301-Sep-2024
WELMUN ‘201-Sep-2024
Report on Career Placements at UBC01-Sep-2024
Career Placements at UBC01-Sep-2024
Leadership Workshop01-Sep-2024
17th Investiture Ceremony01-Sep-2024
AFS Workshop on ‘Effect + Global Citizenship Education01-Sep-2024
Global Classrooms Training for Teachers01-Sep-2024
Journey to College – Career Counselling Event at Delhi01-Sep-2024
Psychology Immersion Programme01-Sep-2024
Teachers Seminar On POCSO And Grooming01-Sep-2024
Capacity Building Sessions01-Sep-2024
NUS Business and Economic Summer Camp01-Sep-2024
Frank Anthony Memorial All India Inter School Debate Competition01-Sep-2024
Academic Staff Picnic-2301-Sep-2024
IAYP -Adventure Camp01-Sep-2024
Book Fair -202301-Sep-2024
Gauss Contest 202301-Sep-2024
AFS India Regional Meet01-Sep-2024
IH Football Competition01-Sep-2024
6th Dehradun District Squash Championship 202301-Sep-2024
Inter House Hindi Debate01-Sep-2024
Trinity Orientation cum Training Session01-Sep-2024
2nd Girls’ Invitational Inter School Basketball Tournament01-Sep-2024
Kalataru Inter School Competition-The Oasis 202301-Sep-2024
Inter House MFL Quiz01-Sep-2024
WESAK Meditation Session01-Sep-2024
SHOOTING- Sarayu Gupta’s Participation in International Event01-Sep-2024
IH Hockey Competition01-Sep-2024
IH Senior School YOGA01-Sep-2024
Br. J G Masterson Debate01-Sep-2024
Session on U.S Higher Education01-Sep-2024
Session on U.S Higher Education01-Sep-2024
IH Swimming Competition01-Sep-2024
World Art Day01-Sep-2024
Inter School Dance Competition- Folk Vibes01-Sep-2024
Community Service01-Sep-2024
Hugh Catchpole Debate, RIMC01-Sep-2024
Inter School Mathematics Quiz 01-Sep-2024
One Day Educational Excursion01-Sep-2024
Join The Dots 01-Sep-2024
Football Tournament01-Sep-2024
Sports Tournament: Football01-Sep-2024
Educational Excursion01-Sep-2024
11th Annual Terry Fox Run01-Sep-2024
Riot of Colours01-Sep-2024
Astronomy Camp 01-Sep-2024
Flavour Fest 01-Sep-2024
Virtual Tour -Chinese and Japanese Museum 01-Sep-2024
Floral Tribute 01-Sep-2024
Pascal, Cayley and Fermat Contest 202301-Sep-2024
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and First Aid Workshop01-Sep-2024
Economics Workshop for students 01-Sep-2024
Biding Adieu- Nyxius O’23 01-Sep-2024
Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023 01-Sep-2024
74th Republic Day Celebration 01-Sep-2024
Basant Panchami01-Sep-2024
Report on Infinity Quiz 2023 01-Sep-2024
Navy Week Celebration 01-Sep-2024
Uttarakhand State Squash Championship -2022 01-Sep-2024
5th Pc Bhatta Inter School Tennis Tournament01-Sep-2024
Children’s Day Celebration 01-Sep-2024
Report on Infinity Quiz 2023 01-Sep-2024
74th Annual District Association Athletic Meet01-Sep-2024
Report on Spic Macay Event 01-Sep-2024
Welham Boys’ Military History Seminar 01-Sep-2024
Virtual Reality (AR) Workshop01-Sep-2024
Diwali Celebration 202201-Sep-2024
Kamla Jeevan Debate Competition01-Sep-2024
41st North Zone Shooting01-Sep-2024
Special Assembly 01-Sep-2024
Hugh Catchpole Inter-School English Debate01-Sep-2024
Career Fair01-Sep-2024
IH Wall Magazine Competition 01-Sep-2024
Fresher’s Night01-Sep-2024
Izhaar E Hunar01-Sep-2024
Hopetown School ‘Earth Art’ Event 01-Sep-2024
Inter House Volleyball Competition 01-Sep-2024
Inter House- Semi Classical Dance Competition01-Sep-2024
Inter House Vocal Classical Competition01-Sep-2024
Inter House Guitar Duet Competition01-Sep-2024
Inter-House Elocution Competition01-Sep-2024
Book Fair01-Sep-2024
Equality Club- Graduation Ceremony01-Sep-2024
Visit by The Chief Minister of Tripura01-Sep-2024
UWS Holi Celebration01-Sep-2024
SPIC MACAY-Odissi Dance Recital01-Sep-2024
UWS Farewell to Exoria O’ 2201-Sep-2024
Vasant Panchami Celebration01-Sep-2024
Inter-House Movie Quiz Competition01-Sep-2024
How to be a Responsible Cyber Citizen?01-Sep-2024
UWS 73rd Republic Day Celebration01-Sep-2024
Inter House Tennis Ball Catching Competition01-Sep-2024
Annual Prize Distribution Function 202101-Sep-2024
All India Inter School Music and Dance Competition - ‘Harmony-2021’01-Sep-2024
2nd Vaccination Drive01-Sep-2024
10th All India Shri Naveen Agarwal Ji Memorial Inter-School English Debate Competition – 202101-Sep-2024
2nd UWS Online Chess Tournament 2021-202201-Sep-2024
75th Independence Day Celebration01-Sep-2024
Spectrum 2021 - All India Inter School Art Competition01-Sep-2024
15th Investiture Ceremony of UWS Student Council (2021-2022)01-Sep-2024
Unison World School ICSE and ISC Results: Session 2020-202101-Sep-2024
Mussoorie International School Science Conference Competition 01-Sep-2024
IH Online Cyber Safety Quiz Competition01-Sep-2024
IH Online Presentation Competition01-Sep-2024
IH Digital Poster Making Competition01-Sep-2024
IH Digital Storytelling Competition01-Sep-2024
Vaccination Drive01-Sep-2024
Inter School Cultural Contest 'Prasaaryogita' 2020 - We Unite to Share01-Sep-2024
Diwali Celebration01-Sep-2024
UWS Virtual Talk Show01-Sep-2024
Day 5 - New Zealand History and Social Customs01-Sep-2024
Day 4- Workshop on Indian History01-Sep-2024
Day 3-Maori Language Workshop01-Sep-2024
Hindi Language Workshop01-Sep-2024
Virtual Exchange between UWS and Rangi Ruru Girls' School01-Sep-2024
Unison World School ‘13th Annual Prize Distribution Function’01-Sep-2024
Inter School Virtual MFL ‘Namaste Europe 2020’ Competition01-Sep-2024
‘HARMONY 2020’ 01-Sep-2024
UWS 1st Online Invitational Chess Tournament 202001-Sep-2024
Inter House Virtual Model Making Competition01-Sep-2024
Virtual Inter House Psychology Competition 01-Sep-2024
Unison World School Ranked 2nd01-Sep-2024
UWS Celebrates Hindi Diwas01-Sep-2024
Spectrum 2020 01-Sep-2024
UWS IH Digital Poster Making Competition01-Sep-2024
IH Web Designing Competition01-Sep-2024
1st UWS Invitational Online Shooting Championship 2020-2101-Sep-2024
Online IH Hindi Extempore Competition01-Sep-2024
UWS Inter House Chakrasana Event 01-Sep-2024
Inter-House English Extempore Competition 01-Sep-2024
Inter-School App Development Workshop + Hackathon01-Sep-2024
74th Independence Day01-Sep-2024
Talk Show on Nutrition01-Sep-2024
Inter House Hindi Elocution Competition01-Sep-2024
UWS Janmashtami Celebration01-Sep-2024
Online Talk Show with Mr. Alex Hoberg from Australia01-Sep-2024
Inter House Social Science Quiz 01-Sep-2024
Inter-House English Parliamentary Debate 01-Sep-2024
14th Investiture Ceremony of the UWS Student Council 2020 – 2101-Sep-2024
ICSE & ISC Result 202001-Sep-2024
Essay Writing Competition Online01-Sep-2024
Plank Walk-Up Competition01-Sep-2024
Online Talk Show on Shooting01-Sep-2024
Inter House Suryanamaskar Competition01-Sep-2024
Best out of Waste Competition online01-Sep-2024
Online Talk Show on Sports Psychology01-Sep-2024
Inter House Western Solo Singing Competition Online01-Sep-2024
Inter House Salad Decoration Competition Online01-Sep-2024
Inter House Photography Competition Online 01-Sep-2024
Inter House Wall Magazine Competition Online 01-Sep-2024
On-line Parents Orientation01-Sep-2024
'Unison Group’ Contribution01-Sep-2024
Sanitization at UWS01-Sep-2024
Chaplinesque - UWS Film Festival In-House Chapter 01-Sep-2024
Holi Celebration01-Sep-2024
Visit to Dehradun Institute of Technology01-Sep-2024
‘A Feather in Our Cap’01-Sep-2024
Delegates from Wellington College, UK01-Sep-2024
Basant Panchami01-Sep-2024
71st Republic Day Celebration01-Sep-2024
'Cyber Surakshit' Workshop01-Sep-2024
Shooting Workshop 01-Sep-2024
Interaction with Ruskin Bond at WIC 01-Sep-2024
Pastoral Care And Effective Communication01-Sep-2024
Theater in Education01-Sep-2024
Science 3 D Workshop01-Sep-2024
Words Worth English Lab01-Sep-2024
70th Senior National Basketball Camp 01-Sep-2024
Christmas Celebration01-Sep-2024
Grade XII ‘Send Off’01-Sep-2024
The Unmasking Ceremony01-Sep-2024
1st UWS Girls’ Inter School Volleyball Tournament 201901-Sep-2024
All India Inter University Shooting Championship 201901-Sep-2024
Children’s Day Celebration01-Sep-2024
Guru Nanak Jayanti Celebration01-Sep-2024
2nd Girl’s Inter School Tennis Tournament 201901-Sep-2024
65th National SGFI Shooting Championship 2019-2001-Sep-2024
Pria Warrick Finishing Academy Workshop01-Sep-2024
Trio Zadig Concert01-Sep-2024
VOW Workshop on ‘The Saga of Doon’01-Sep-2024
Selection Trial-65th National Shooting Championship01-Sep-2024
‘Run for Unity’01-Sep-2024
Diwali Celebration01-Sep-2024
Visit to the Wadia Institute Of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun01-Sep-2024
SFC vs UWS Basketball Match01-Sep-2024
Inter House Duet Singing and Folk Dance Competition01-Sep-2024
Tie and Dye Workshop01-Sep-2024
RFYS Senior Girls Football Tournament01-Sep-2024
Hindi Language Workshop with SFC delegates01-Sep-2024
A Visit to FRI, Dehradun01-Sep-2024
Welcome Assembly01-Sep-2024
Visit of SFC delegates to Rishikesh and Camp Panther01-Sep-2024
Video Conference: Power and Influence01-Sep-2024
Wynton Rufer Football Camp01-Sep-2024
Talk with Mr Sonam Wangchuk01-Sep-2024
12th Annual Prize Distribution Function01-Sep-2024
‘Spardha’ - Annual Sports Meet 201901-Sep-2024
‘Carnival’ – Annual Fête01-Sep-2024
Parent-Teacher Meet and Career Counseling01-Sep-2024
Dussehra Celebration01-Sep-2024
UWS Academic Proficiency Prize Distribution Ceremony 01-Sep-2024
Education World Award Ceremony01-Sep-2024
Second Inter School Girls’ Badminton Tournament01-Sep-2024
Accountancy Workshop01-Sep-2024
Visit to Cambridge University Campus01-Sep-2024
1st Inter School Girls’ Basketball Tournament01-Sep-2024
6th Challenge Cup - Girls' Inter School Football Tournament.01-Sep-2024
13th Investiture Ceremony of the UWS Student Council 2019 - 202001-Sep-2024
World Scholars Cup01-Sep-2024
Day 4 - 1st September 2024 The following days also buzzed with activities, excitement and learning. The Senior Team departed for Denal British School at 8 a.m., eager to participate in the debates. They honed their oratory skills against competitors from various countries. Meanwhile, the Junior Team spent an exciting day at Thammasat University for the Scholar’s Bowl, a multimedia quiz event. Another highlight was the Scholar’s Showcase, where scholars displayed their talents, and the audience witnessed the top eight debaters in action during the Debate Showcase Round. Day 5 - 2nd September 2024 The day began with a city tour for the Junior Team, who admired the architecture of the city palace, visited the Emerald Buddha temple, and saw the Reclining Buddha. They ended the tour with a shopping trip at Paragon Mall. The Senior Team participated in the Scholar’s Bowl, enjoying a unique quiz experience and attending the Scholar’s Showcase. They had a chance to listen to the select debaters on the topic, ‘To reimagine the present, it is important to forget the past.’ The day concluded with a cultural fair where both teams wore traditional Indian attire and celebrated with scholars from different countries.