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Visit to Regional Science Centre07-Apr-2024

On April 7, 2024, Unison World School organized an enriching field trip to the Regional Science Centre for the students of Middle School. The objective of the trip was to foster curiosity and provide students with scientific knowledge relevant to our planet and daily existence. The field trip commenced with an interactive session on Artificial Intelligence (AI), where students gained insights into the technology, its applications in daily life, and the ethical standards associated with its use. This session broadened their understanding of AI and its implications in various fields. Following the AI session, students participated in a Practical Information Storage (PIS) learning session, where they learned practical strategies for creating mnemonic devices to aid in long-term memory retention. This session provided students with valuable study skills that they can apply in their academic pursuits. One of the highlights of the trip was the Taramandal section, where students had the opportunity to view constellations in the night sky in three dimensions. This mesmerizing experience sparked students' curiosity about astronomy and the cosmos. Additionally, thematic exhibits at the Science Centre showcased topics such as the genesis of the earth, the formation of the Himalayas, and fossils. These exhibits further stimulated students' interest in science and deepened their understanding of natural phenomena. After the visit to the Science Centre, students enjoyed lunch at the Centrio Mall, which provided a delightful conclusion to the day. By the end of the field trip, students were tired but content, cherishing memories of time spent with their tutors and friends. Overall, the field trip to the Regional Science Centre was a resounding success, providing students with memorable experiences and reinforcing the importance of science in our daily lives and the world around us.