Look More Events
Christmas Celebration14-Mar-2020
Tournament of Champions14-Mar-2020
Children’s Day Celebrations14-Mar-2020
Video Conference of Generation Global14-Mar-2020
SEND OFF14-Mar-2020
Navy Foundation Dehradun Chapter14-Mar-2020
The Academic Exhibition on APDF14-Mar-2020
Art Exhibition on APDF14-Mar-2020
17th Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony & Spardha - 202414-Mar-2020
19th Uttarakhand State Inter School Shooting Championship 202414-Mar-2020
Career counselling session14-Mar-2020
11th Invitational Indoor Inter School Soccer Tournament 14-Mar-2020
Taekwondo National Championship - 202414-Mar-2020
Teachers' Day 202414-Mar-2020
World Scholars Cup : Day 714-Mar-2020
World Scholars Cup :Day 614-Mar-2020
6th Invitational Inter-School Swimming Competition 202414-Mar-2020
Art & Design Week ‘Imaginarium’14-Mar-2020
World Scholars Cup14-Mar-2020
Inter House Photography Competition14-Mar-2020
Day 3 : World Scholars Cup14-Mar-2020
UNFOLD 2024 14-Mar-2020
3rd Gyananda Inter-School Swim Meet 202414-Mar-2020
WSC Global Round14-Mar-2020
Dehradun District Hockey Tournament-202414-Mar-2020
Basketball District Championship14-Mar-2020
UWS AQUA MEET-202414-Mar-2020
Spic Macay- Day 314-Mar-2020
Doon School Chess Tournament 2024 14-Mar-2020
Spic Macay Convention 14-Mar-2020
Spic Macay State Convention14-Mar-2020
Inter-House Basketball Competition14-Mar-2020
1st Sardar Pritam Singh Memorial Inter School Badminton Competition 202414-Mar-2020
Unison World School Basketball Inter-House Competition14-Mar-2020
CISCE National Shooting Competition 202414-Mar-2020
Boarding Schools’ Association of India (BSAI) workshop 14-Mar-2020
Independence Day 14-Mar-2020
Inter House Shooting Competition14-Mar-2020
Basketball Tournament14-Mar-2020
Generation Global14-Mar-2020
Inter-House Swimming Competition14-Mar-2020
18th Invitational Manorite Table Tennis Tournament -202414-Mar-2020
AFS exchange program to Denmark14-Mar-2020
CISCE Games & Sports 2024 at the Regional Level14-Mar-2020
Inter-House Squash Competition 14-Mar-2020
Zoo Visit14-Mar-2020
All India Shree Naveen Agarwal Ji Memorial Inter-School Debate14-Mar-2020
Saree Draping Workshop14-Mar-2020
All India Shree Naveen Agarwal Ji Memorial Inter-School Debate14-Mar-2020
Inter House Hockey Competition14-Mar-2020
Inter-house Science competition 14-Mar-2020
Exponentia 202414-Mar-2020
Inter-House Cross Country Competition14-Mar-2020
Rishikesh Trip 14-Mar-2020
14th Uttarakhand State Taekwondo Championship 2024 14-Mar-2020
Inter-House Table Tennis Competition14-Mar-2020
Inter House Social Science Quiz Competition14-Mar-2020
BSAI Workshop14-Mar-2020
Manners and etiquette training program14-Mar-2020
Spectrum-24- Multidisciplinary Art Extravaganza14-Mar-2020
Dyson Eduljee Memorial Soccer Tournament14-Mar-2020
Pratispardha-2024 Girls' Invitational Interschool Tournament14-Mar-2020
Midsummer Night's Dream14-Mar-2020
Inter House Western Dance Competition14-Mar-2020
The World Scholar’s Cup14-Mar-2020
Psychology Immersion Program14-Mar-2020
Money Smart School Programme14-Mar-2020
Inter School participation in ’The Thinker Fest 2024’ held at PYDS14-Mar-2020
Assembly on William Shakespeare14-Mar-2020
Life Saving Training Conducted by RLSS At UWS14-Mar-2020
Annual Investiture Ceremony 14-Mar-2020
EcoQuest, Challenge Yourself, Transform the World14-Mar-2020
Socials at UWS with The Doon School14-Mar-2020
Visit of Grade 12 Students of UWS to The Doon School14-Mar-2020
AFS India Regional Meet for North Zone14-Mar-2020
Workshop on Design Thinking14-Mar-2020
Earth day14-Mar-2020
Kathakali performance14-Mar-2020
Freshers Night14-Mar-2020
Inter-House Football Competition 202414-Mar-2020
Inter House English Debate14-Mar-2020
Indian Vocal performance14-Mar-2020
Rockband 14-Mar-2020
Inter House ROCK BAND Competition14-Mar-2020
Inter House Hindustani Classical Vocal Competition14-Mar-2020
Photography field trip to Forest Research Institute14-Mar-2020
Inter House Science Competition14-Mar-2020
Model United Nations14-Mar-2020
IH Middle School English Debate14-Mar-2020
Interhouse Hindi Debate14-Mar-2020
Dastan-e-Goi: Reliving the Tragedy of Jallianwala Bagh14-Mar-2020
Masterclass By Aditi Chauhan and Ashalata Devi for An Athlete/Footballer14-Mar-2020
A fun filled evening with Indian street food- CHAAT HAAT14-Mar-2020
World Health Day School Assembly14-Mar-2020
Seminar on skin care14-Mar-2020
Fire Safety Awareness program14-Mar-2020
Adventure Camp14-Mar-2020
Visit to Regional Science Centre14-Mar-2020
12th Run For Cancer Awareness14-Mar-2020
Session on Grooming, Hygiene, and Personal Care for Middle School by Team IRIS14-Mar-2020
Nehru Institute of Mountaineering14-Mar-2020
Nehru Institute of Mountaineering Day 214-Mar-2020
Nehru Institute of Mountaineering Day 114-Mar-2020
Football Coaching Camp Commencement14-Mar-2020
Pascal, Cayley and Fermat Contest 202414-Mar-2020
18th Parent Orientation14-Mar-2020
Denmark Exchange program by AFS14-Mar-2020
Holi Celebration 202414-Mar-2020
Alcohol Abuse and Women Empowerment.14-Mar-2020
NTC Inaugural Ceremony At UWS14-Mar-2020
Pi Day14-Mar-2020
Capacity Building Programme on Classroom Management14-Mar-2020
Silver Educator Award- Generation Global14-Mar-2020
Post Exams -Time to Chill14-Mar-2020
National Science Day Celebration14-Mar-2020
Collaborative Experiential Learning14-Mar-2020
Global Women’s Breakfast 202414-Mar-2020
Money Smart School Programme 2023 -20214-Mar-2020
Floral Tribute14-Mar-2020
Principal’s Dinner14-Mar-2020
School Colour14-Mar-2020
Great Backyard Bird Count- Birding Activity14-Mar-2020
From Page To Stage (Middle School Festival- Hopetown)14-Mar-2020
Huun Huur Tu- A Taste of World Music14-Mar-2020
Informal Farewell14-Mar-2020
Formal Farewell 14-Mar-2020
75th Republic Day Celebration14-Mar-2020
Witnessing History in Making - Consecration Ceremony14-Mar-2020
Aesthetics as a Mindset and Experiential Learning- Session14-Mar-2020
Community Singing and Zumba Session14-Mar-2020
Fire and Safety Session14-Mar-2020
Staff Movie Outing14-Mar-2020
Fire and Safety Training session14-Mar-2020
Fun in the Sun14-Mar-2020
Brilliant and Unstoppable Athenas at INSSDC14-Mar-2020
Achievements in 66th National Shooting Championship14-Mar-2020
Believe in the Magic of Christmas14-Mar-2020
Inter House Western Dance Competition14-Mar-2020
Inter House Western Solo Singing Competition14-Mar-2020
Gurupurab Celebration 202314-Mar-2020
Mutthi Bhar Anaaj 2.0- A Handful of Grains14-Mar-2020
66th National Shooting Championship14-Mar-2020
Children’s Day Celebration14-Mar-2020
Send-Off Ritual 202314-Mar-2020
Diwali Celebration - 202314-Mar-2020
Boot Camp – Red Pen14-Mar-2020
I.H. Science Competition14-Mar-2020
Doon School Technology Conclave14-Mar-2020
Career Workshop and Fair14-Mar-2020
Krea University Session14-Mar-2020
Vijayadashami-Burning Vices and Embracing Virtues14-Mar-2020
Mathematics Workshop14-Mar-2020
2nd October 2023 Celebration14-Mar-2020
Floral Tribute -72nd Birth Anniversary of Founder Father.14-Mar-2020
Stress Buster Session14-Mar-2020
Tutor Tutee Outing14-Mar-2020
12 th Edition of Shri Naveen Agarwal Ji Memorial Interschool Debate.14-Mar-2020
Janmashtami Celebration 202314-Mar-2020
Teachers Day Celebration14-Mar-2020
Spic Macay State Convention – Day 314-Mar-2020
Spic Macay State Convention - Day 214-Mar-2020
Spic Macay State Convention - Day 114-Mar-2020
AFS Member School Performing Arts Competition14-Mar-2020
University Fair14-Mar-2020
Inter School Doon Girls’ School Debate14-Mar-2020
District Level Hockey Tournament14-Mar-2020
Live Poetry Session- Priya Malik14-Mar-2020
Harmony 202314-Mar-2020
Brother C.J. Bergin Debate14-Mar-2020
Kamla Jeevan Interschool Hindi Debate14-Mar-2020
Inter-School Invitational Badminton Tournament14-Mar-2020
Witnessing History in Making14-Mar-2020
Silver Fiesta14-Mar-2020
Spic Macay14-Mar-2020
CISCE UK UP Shooting Regional Championship 14-Mar-2020
Psychological First Aid- Workshop14-Mar-2020
Session on Investment Plans for the Financial Year 2023-202414-Mar-2020
Accountancy Workshop14-Mar-2020
Interschool Badminton14-Mar-2020
Inter School Aquatic Meet14-Mar-2020
The Doon School Model United Nations 202314-Mar-2020
Inter-House Photography Competition14-Mar-2020
77th Independence Day14-Mar-2020
Spectrum-23- Multidisciplinary Art Extravaganza14-Mar-2020
Video Conference on "Global Citizenship”14-Mar-2020
3rd UWSMUN14-Mar-2020
Mother Isabel Memorial Inter-School Debate14-Mar-2020
Interschool Table Tennis Competition-MIS14-Mar-2020
Interschool Table Tennis Competition-MIS14-Mar-2020
8th Inter-School Invitational Basketball Tournament 202314-Mar-2020
WELMUN ‘214-Mar-2020
Report on Career Placements at UBC14-Mar-2020
Career Placements at UBC14-Mar-2020
Leadership Workshop14-Mar-2020
17th Investiture Ceremony14-Mar-2020
AFS Workshop on ‘Effect + Global Citizenship Education14-Mar-2020
Global Classrooms Training for Teachers14-Mar-2020
Journey to College – Career Counselling Event at Delhi14-Mar-2020
Psychology Immersion Programme14-Mar-2020
Teachers Seminar On POCSO And Grooming14-Mar-2020
Capacity Building Sessions14-Mar-2020
NUS Business and Economic Summer Camp14-Mar-2020
Frank Anthony Memorial All India Inter School Debate Competition14-Mar-2020
Academic Staff Picnic-2314-Mar-2020
IAYP -Adventure Camp14-Mar-2020
Book Fair -202314-Mar-2020
Gauss Contest 202314-Mar-2020
AFS India Regional Meet14-Mar-2020
IH Football Competition14-Mar-2020
6th Dehradun District Squash Championship 202314-Mar-2020
Inter House Hindi Debate14-Mar-2020
Trinity Orientation cum Training Session14-Mar-2020
2nd Girls’ Invitational Inter School Basketball Tournament14-Mar-2020
Kalataru Inter School Competition-The Oasis 202314-Mar-2020
Inter House MFL Quiz14-Mar-2020
WESAK Meditation Session14-Mar-2020
SHOOTING- Sarayu Gupta’s Participation in International Event14-Mar-2020
IH Hockey Competition14-Mar-2020
IH Senior School YOGA14-Mar-2020
Br. J G Masterson Debate14-Mar-2020
Session on U.S Higher Education14-Mar-2020
Session on U.S Higher Education14-Mar-2020
IH Swimming Competition14-Mar-2020
World Art Day14-Mar-2020
Inter School Dance Competition- Folk Vibes14-Mar-2020
Community Service14-Mar-2020
Hugh Catchpole Debate, RIMC14-Mar-2020
Inter School Mathematics Quiz 14-Mar-2020
One Day Educational Excursion14-Mar-2020
Join The Dots 14-Mar-2020
Football Tournament14-Mar-2020
Sports Tournament: Football14-Mar-2020
Educational Excursion14-Mar-2020
11th Annual Terry Fox Run14-Mar-2020
Riot of Colours14-Mar-2020
Astronomy Camp 14-Mar-2020
Flavour Fest 14-Mar-2020
Virtual Tour -Chinese and Japanese Museum 14-Mar-2020
Floral Tribute 14-Mar-2020
Pascal, Cayley and Fermat Contest 202314-Mar-2020
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and First Aid Workshop14-Mar-2020
Economics Workshop for students 14-Mar-2020
Biding Adieu- Nyxius O’23 14-Mar-2020
Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023 14-Mar-2020
74th Republic Day Celebration 14-Mar-2020
Basant Panchami14-Mar-2020
Report on Infinity Quiz 2023 14-Mar-2020
Navy Week Celebration 14-Mar-2020
Uttarakhand State Squash Championship -2022 14-Mar-2020
5th Pc Bhatta Inter School Tennis Tournament14-Mar-2020
Children’s Day Celebration 14-Mar-2020
Report on Infinity Quiz 2023 14-Mar-2020
74th Annual District Association Athletic Meet14-Mar-2020
Report on Spic Macay Event 14-Mar-2020
Welham Boys’ Military History Seminar 14-Mar-2020
Virtual Reality (AR) Workshop14-Mar-2020
Diwali Celebration 202214-Mar-2020
Kamla Jeevan Debate Competition14-Mar-2020
41st North Zone Shooting14-Mar-2020
Special Assembly 14-Mar-2020
Hugh Catchpole Inter-School English Debate14-Mar-2020
Career Fair14-Mar-2020
IH Wall Magazine Competition 14-Mar-2020
Fresher’s Night14-Mar-2020
Izhaar E Hunar14-Mar-2020
Hopetown School ‘Earth Art’ Event 14-Mar-2020
Inter House Volleyball Competition 14-Mar-2020
Inter House- Semi Classical Dance Competition14-Mar-2020
Inter House Vocal Classical Competition14-Mar-2020
Inter House Guitar Duet Competition14-Mar-2020
Inter-House Elocution Competition14-Mar-2020
Book Fair14-Mar-2020
Equality Club- Graduation Ceremony14-Mar-2020
Visit by The Chief Minister of Tripura14-Mar-2020
UWS Holi Celebration14-Mar-2020
SPIC MACAY-Odissi Dance Recital14-Mar-2020
UWS Farewell to Exoria O’ 2214-Mar-2020
Vasant Panchami Celebration14-Mar-2020
Inter-House Movie Quiz Competition14-Mar-2020
How to be a Responsible Cyber Citizen?14-Mar-2020
UWS 73rd Republic Day Celebration14-Mar-2020
Inter House Tennis Ball Catching Competition14-Mar-2020
Annual Prize Distribution Function 202114-Mar-2020
All India Inter School Music and Dance Competition - ‘Harmony-2021’14-Mar-2020
2nd Vaccination Drive14-Mar-2020
10th All India Shri Naveen Agarwal Ji Memorial Inter-School English Debate Competition – 202114-Mar-2020
2nd UWS Online Chess Tournament 2021-202214-Mar-2020
75th Independence Day Celebration14-Mar-2020
Spectrum 2021 - All India Inter School Art Competition14-Mar-2020
15th Investiture Ceremony of UWS Student Council (2021-2022)14-Mar-2020
Unison World School ICSE and ISC Results: Session 2020-202114-Mar-2020
Mussoorie International School Science Conference Competition 14-Mar-2020
IH Online Cyber Safety Quiz Competition14-Mar-2020
IH Online Presentation Competition14-Mar-2020
IH Digital Poster Making Competition14-Mar-2020
IH Digital Storytelling Competition14-Mar-2020
Vaccination Drive14-Mar-2020
Inter School Cultural Contest 'Prasaaryogita' 2020 - We Unite to Share14-Mar-2020
Diwali Celebration14-Mar-2020
UWS Virtual Talk Show14-Mar-2020
Day 5 - New Zealand History and Social Customs14-Mar-2020
Day 4- Workshop on Indian History14-Mar-2020
Day 3-Maori Language Workshop14-Mar-2020
Hindi Language Workshop14-Mar-2020
Virtual Exchange between UWS and Rangi Ruru Girls' School14-Mar-2020
Unison World School ‘13th Annual Prize Distribution Function’14-Mar-2020
Inter School Virtual MFL ‘Namaste Europe 2020’ Competition14-Mar-2020
‘HARMONY 2020’ 14-Mar-2020
UWS 1st Online Invitational Chess Tournament 202014-Mar-2020
Inter House Virtual Model Making Competition14-Mar-2020
Virtual Inter House Psychology Competition 14-Mar-2020
Unison World School Ranked 2nd14-Mar-2020
UWS Celebrates Hindi Diwas14-Mar-2020
Spectrum 2020 14-Mar-2020
UWS IH Digital Poster Making Competition14-Mar-2020
IH Web Designing Competition14-Mar-2020
1st UWS Invitational Online Shooting Championship 2020-2114-Mar-2020
Online IH Hindi Extempore Competition14-Mar-2020
UWS Inter House Chakrasana Event 14-Mar-2020
Inter-House English Extempore Competition 14-Mar-2020
Inter-School App Development Workshop + Hackathon14-Mar-2020
74th Independence Day14-Mar-2020
Talk Show on Nutrition14-Mar-2020
Inter House Hindi Elocution Competition14-Mar-2020
UWS Janmashtami Celebration14-Mar-2020
Online Talk Show with Mr. Alex Hoberg from Australia14-Mar-2020
Inter House Social Science Quiz 14-Mar-2020
Inter-House English Parliamentary Debate 14-Mar-2020
14th Investiture Ceremony of the UWS Student Council 2020 – 2114-Mar-2020
ICSE & ISC Result 202014-Mar-2020
Essay Writing Competition Online14-Mar-2020
Plank Walk-Up Competition14-Mar-2020
Online Talk Show on Shooting14-Mar-2020
Inter House Suryanamaskar Competition14-Mar-2020
Best out of Waste Competition online14-Mar-2020
Online Talk Show on Sports Psychology14-Mar-2020
Inter House Western Solo Singing Competition Online14-Mar-2020
Inter House Salad Decoration Competition Online14-Mar-2020
Inter House Photography Competition Online 14-Mar-2020
Inter House Wall Magazine Competition Online 14-Mar-2020
On-line Parents Orientation14-Mar-2020
'Unison Group’ Contribution14-Mar-2020
Sanitization at UWS14-Mar-2020
Chaplinesque - UWS Film Festival In-House Chapter 14-Mar-2020
Holi Celebration14-Mar-2020
Visit to Dehradun Institute of Technology14-Mar-2020
‘A Feather in Our Cap’14-Mar-2020
Delegates from Wellington College, UK14-Mar-2020
Basant Panchami14-Mar-2020
71st Republic Day Celebration14-Mar-2020
'Cyber Surakshit' Workshop14-Mar-2020
Shooting Workshop 14-Mar-2020
Interaction with Ruskin Bond at WIC 14-Mar-2020
Pastoral Care And Effective Communication14-Mar-2020
Theater in Education14-Mar-2020
Science 3 D Workshop14-Mar-2020
Words Worth English Lab14-Mar-2020
70th Senior National Basketball Camp 14-Mar-2020
Christmas Celebration14-Mar-2020
Grade XII ‘Send Off’14-Mar-2020
The Unmasking Ceremony14-Mar-2020
1st UWS Girls’ Inter School Volleyball Tournament 201914-Mar-2020
All India Inter University Shooting Championship 201914-Mar-2020
Children’s Day Celebration14-Mar-2020
Guru Nanak Jayanti Celebration14-Mar-2020
2nd Girl’s Inter School Tennis Tournament 201914-Mar-2020
65th National SGFI Shooting Championship 2019-2014-Mar-2020
Pria Warrick Finishing Academy Workshop14-Mar-2020
Trio Zadig Concert14-Mar-2020
VOW Workshop on ‘The Saga of Doon’14-Mar-2020
Selection Trial-65th National Shooting Championship14-Mar-2020
‘Run for Unity’14-Mar-2020
Diwali Celebration14-Mar-2020
Visit to the Wadia Institute Of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun14-Mar-2020
SFC vs UWS Basketball Match14-Mar-2020
Inter House Duet Singing and Folk Dance Competition14-Mar-2020
Tie and Dye Workshop14-Mar-2020
RFYS Senior Girls Football Tournament14-Mar-2020
Hindi Language Workshop with SFC delegates14-Mar-2020
A Visit to FRI, Dehradun14-Mar-2020
Welcome Assembly14-Mar-2020
Visit of SFC delegates to Rishikesh and Camp Panther14-Mar-2020
Video Conference: Power and Influence14-Mar-2020
Wynton Rufer Football Camp14-Mar-2020
Talk with Mr Sonam Wangchuk14-Mar-2020
12th Annual Prize Distribution Function14-Mar-2020
‘Spardha’ - Annual Sports Meet 201914-Mar-2020
‘Carnival’ – Annual Fête14-Mar-2020
Parent-Teacher Meet and Career Counseling14-Mar-2020
Dussehra Celebration14-Mar-2020
UWS Academic Proficiency Prize Distribution Ceremony 14-Mar-2020
Education World Award Ceremony14-Mar-2020
Second Inter School Girls’ Badminton Tournament14-Mar-2020
Accountancy Workshop14-Mar-2020
Visit to Cambridge University Campus14-Mar-2020
1st Inter School Girls’ Basketball Tournament14-Mar-2020
6th Challenge Cup - Girls' Inter School Football Tournament.14-Mar-2020
13th Investiture Ceremony of the UWS Student Council 2019 - 202014-Mar-2020
Chaplinesque - UWS Film Festival In-House Chapter 14-Mar-2020
Chaplinesque - UWS Film Festival In-House Chapter is an intra-school film festival, which was held from 7th March to 14th March. The festival focused on the development of a culture of good films and activities related to the medium and was followed with many national and international films from all over the world. The festival also had a competitive section with four competitions such as Digital Movie Poster Competition, Handmade Movie Poster Competition, Film Review Competition and Be your favourite character Competition.